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How To Activate Your Subconscious Mind And Unlock Its Potential - Free softwares for pc

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In all of us there is more potential than anyone every can use.
It is said that humans only use about 5% of their brain capacity.
What if we could tap into more of this, start using 6%, 7% or even 10-15%. If we could we would be way ahead of our peers.
We are yet to discover how to use and utilize this enormous amount of potential we have but there are ways to tap into it once in a while.
Sigmund Freud, the father of modern psychology, figured out that we have a subconscious part of our minds. If we can tap into the subconscious mind and use its powers to help us in our success we will dramatically increase our chances.
How do you use it?Sleeping Boy
Over the years many have hypothesized about how to use this immense power and most are in agreement that it is working all the time. It doesn’t stop to sleep or rest, it works 24 hours a day.
So if you can program your subconscious mind to work on the things you want it to you will be using a lot of your potential on the exact things you want to improve.
Activating the subconscious
The best time to do this is when you are going to sleep. When you are sleeping your conscious mind doesn’t get in the way and you don’t have the rush of new images that comes with being awake.
Before you go to bed, write down the most important thing you wish to improve. It can be a goal, a skill, a habit, anything. Visualize it, think about it, look at it and see yourself as the master of that skill or having accomplished that goal.
Let this process take at least 5 minutes and focus on it intently.
Then put it out of your mind and go to sleep.
All night your subconscious mind will be working on this skill, finding ways to improve or practicing the skill or habit while you sleep.
The next morning you will already have improved in the skill or have a rush of new ideas to help you accomplish your goal and new motivation to go after it.
This simple technique activates your subconscious mind in a way so profound that it can make a astonishing difference to your future.
If you have any questions feel free to email me or leave a comment.

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